Урок: Video Lesson: Communication - Predictions

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British physicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary titled "Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking" that intelligent alien life forms almost certainly exist and they’ll probably be visiting us in the near future - but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."

"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet," Hawking said. "I imagine they might exist in massive ships ... having used up all the resources from their home planet. By this time such advanced aliens will have perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.” ”We’ll be hearing from them, I’m pretty sure,” he added.

The 68-year-old scientist said a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth might well be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

He speculated that most extraterrestrial life would be similar to microbes, or small animals. Microbial life might exist far beneath the Martian surface, where liquid water is thought to trickle through the rock. Marine creatures might also conceivably live in huge oceans of water beneath a miles-thick layer of ice on Europa, a moon of Jupiter.

But if a scientific census could be extended beyond our solar system to the rest of the Milky Way and beyond, the odds in favor of life's existence rise dramatically, Hawking said.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," he said. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

Hawking said an attack by interstellar predators is just one of the dismaying possibilities in the search for intelligent life beyond Earth. Another possibility is that intelligence itself might be inimical to life. Hawking pointed out that humanity has put itself on the edge of its own destruction by creating nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction.

"If the same holds for intelligent aliens, then they might not last long," he said. "Perhaps they all blow themselves up soon after they discover that E=mc2. If civilizations take billions of years to evolve, only to vanish virtually overnight, then sadly we have next to no chance of hearing from them."

Hawking has become one of the world's best-known scientists - not just because of his theoretical work on cosmology and black holes, but also because he has achieved so much while coping with a paralyzing neural disease for most of his life. In recent years he has become a prominent advocate for space travel, contending that humans must journey into the heavens and going through zero-gravity training himself.

Decide whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE.

Hawking thinks that we are not alone in the universe.


Hawking thinks that aliens are likely to be hostile.


Hawking uses the example with Columbus to infer that aliens will be friendly.


Hawking suggests that intelligence might be destructive to life.


Hawking is remarkable only because of his work.


Hawking denies the need for space exploration.

Match the words with their meaning.


a)  very well known and important

b)  (coming from) outside the planet Earth

c)  a count for official purposes, especially one to count the number of people living in a country and to collect information about them

d)  to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually

e)  if liquid does this, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line

f)  to disappear

g)  a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time

h)  harmful or limiting

i)  an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals

j)  to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force

k) between the stars

  • 1. extraterrestrial
  • 2. to conquer
  • 3. to trickle
  • 4. a nomad
  • 5. a census
  • 6. interstellar
  • 7. a predator
  • 8. inimical
  • 9. to vanish
  • 10. to evolve
  • 11. prominent
  • h)
  • e)
  • k)
  • g)
  • d)
  • c)
  • j)
  • f)
  • a)
  • i)
  • b)

Complete the sentences using some of the words from the previous exercise.

inimical  |  interstellar  |  predators  | trickled  |  evolved  |  nomads  |   census  |  vanishing   |  prominent  |  extraterrestrial 


space is yet to be explored.



We have a in this country every ten years.



Blood out of the corner of his mouth.



beings are quite likely to exist.



Excessive managerial control is to creative expression.



In the zoo they have lions, wolves and other .



Humans from apes.



He is a member of the Saudi royal family.



The of the kid has caused concern among members of the local community.



invaded and savaged their lands.

Complete the sentence using the Future Perfect Tense and the verb in brackets.



James the project by Monday.



They the washing-up by 9 o'clock.



She London by the end of next year.



I the letter by 5 o'clock.



He by next month.



She her father by 10 o’clock tonight.



The police the senator by midday.



They their essay by tomorrow.



She by now.



We our mission by tomorrow.

Complete the sentence using the Future Continuous Tense and the verb in brackets.



Helen to the party on Sunday.



We him next week.



This time next week he to Australia.



At 7 o'clock on Saturday they on stage.



It when I arrive in Plovdiv.



Tomorrow at 10 I an exam.



My wife TV when I get back from work.



You pizza in Italy this time next month.



She when you call her.



They in Paris just about now.